Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

Dir. Jean Cocteau (France 1946)

Disney is leagues away from Cocteau. Whilst the story is classic, the visual effects were my absolute favorite. They add a delightful whimsy to the film that remind me of the more contemporary film maker, Michel Gondry. This is especially noticeable with the personification of the objects in the Beast’s castle. The doors whisper, the wine pours itself, and bodiless hands light the castle. Rather than try to deceive the viewer, the cinematic illusions are blunt and display extraordinary imagination and creativity.

One of this film’s most beautifully striking moments is when Belle first enters the castle. Her skirt dances in slow motion as she runs through a hallway lined with isolated candle-holding arms that move as she passes by to light her way.

This classic story combined with its avant-garde stylings is a total triumph.